"World Class"
"Literary Detective Novel Masterpiece"
"Exciting Combination of Suspense and Philosophy"
"A Virtuoso Writer"
"Intoxicating Love and Suspense Novel"
"Beats Many Glass Key Winners With Flying Colours"
"One of the Most Carefully Guarded Secrets in Finland"

“Heart-Crushing Party effectively addresses the psychological processes behind people's solutions, emotions and fates.”
Pertti Avola, Helsingin Sanomat newspaper
”Heart-Crushing Party is a good example of a skill to write quality suspense."
Tuula Okkonen, Ruumiin kulttuuri (The Finnish Whodunnit Society Body Culture journal)
”If Ahonen's three previous novels are even nearly as good as this is, he is one of the most carefully guarded secrets in Finland..."
Kai Hirvasnoro, Kansan Uutiset (Member of The Clew of the Year 2017 Jury)
"With this book (Heart-Crushing Party), Markus Ahonen is the Finnish equivalent to Jo Nesbø."
Mira Aaltonen, Liftaan (I hitchhike) literary blog
"Heart-Crushing Party is again a proof of power of a detective story: in the genre you can really find excellent writing works that no one should miss because of the “whodunnit stamp”".
Annika, For The Love of Books literature blog
"Many-sidedness, skillfully built plot, characters and the element of surprise lift Markus Ahonen's Heart-Crushing Party high in this year's new detective novels' race.”
Mari Södergård, Luetut.net literary blog
"With his fourth Isaksson book, Markus Ahonen is well on his way to the top of country's crime novelists' list."
Stiina Ikonen, Päijät-Häme
“Tracks entertains and hooks. Short chapters, striking narration, exciting plot twists..."
Mari Södergård, Luetut.net literary blog
"Markus Ahonen's detective novel Burning Heart shows suspense narrator's skills and joy of writing."
Jari O. Hiltunen, Satakunnan Kansa newspaper
"Ahonen has built a clever and complex plot with a few really superb tricks for readers."
Heikki Kaskimies / Finnish Whodunnit Society Body Culture journal
"As a friend of detective novels and crime films, I actually would like to see Medusa as a movie. It would work."
Teresita, Engineer's Bookshelf literary blog
"Isaksson and his common-law wife emerge as persons on whose behalf you hope and fear - and it is a sign of a successful main character outlining."
Tuija, Kulttuuripohdintoja (Cultural Deliberations) literary blog
"The emotional world in the book was more varied than in many other police novels... Tracks hooked to read. It didn't gourmandise with savagery, but rather searched for the causes of acts from childhood experiences and perceived injustices."
Paula, Kirjan pauloissa (Enchanted by a Book) literary blog
“In general, Helsinki detective stories take place in Southern Helsinki and are often very bookish. Ahonen's Helsinki is more real, more everyday-style and more credible..."
Ulla, Ullan luetut kirjat (Ulla's Read Books) literary blog